Vue django

Gerapy screenshot



Distributed Crawler Management Framework Based on Scrapy, Scrapyd, Django and Vue.js

Tacticalrmm screenshot

A remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go.

Django Vue Admin screenshot

A complete set of basic development platform for permission control based on RBAC model, with front-end and back-end separation, and the back-end using django+django-rest-framework, while the frontend using Vue+ElementUI+d2admin.

Vue Django screenshot

@Django integrated with a full-featured @Webpack + (@vuejs / vue-loader) setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction.

Alcali screenshot

Featureful Saltstack GUI

Activist screenshot

An open-source activism platform

Python Webpack Boilerplate screenshot

Django Webpack boilerplate & Flask Webpack boilerplate

DjangoStarter screenshot


Vscode Html Css screenshot

Visual Studio Code Extension - CSS Intellisense for HTML

River Admin screenshot

:rocket: A shiny admin interface for django-river built with DRF, Vue & Vuetify screenshot

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