Vue flask

Cmdb screenshot



CMDB: configuration and management of IT resources

Enferno screenshot

This collection of modern libraries and tools, built on top of the Flask framework, allows you to quickly create any website or web-based application (SAAS) with impressive speed.

ApiVault screenshot

Your gateway to a world of public APIs.

PortfolioHub screenshot

Your portfolio is captured here! Tag #portfolio-website on your repository.

Udata screenshot

Customizable and skinnable social platform dedicated to open data.

Reel2bits screenshot

Self-hosted Soundtracks and Podcasts sharing, with ActivityPub federation.

BlazeB2 screenshot

📷An image bed tool with CDN acceleration function developed based on backBlazeb2 API & ⚡ cloudflare

Python Webpack Boilerplate screenshot

Django Webpack boilerplate & Flask Webpack boilerplate