Vue nestjs

Ssr screenshot



A most advanced ssr framework support React17/React18/Vue2/Vue3 on Earth that implemented serverless-side render specification.

Ts Rest screenshot

RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API

Genal Chat screenshot

🚀阿童木聊天室 nestjs+vue全栈聊天室 前后端分离 typescript一把梭

Tillywork screenshot

Opensource work management

Nest Admin screenshot


Cookbook screenshot

VueJS + NodeJS Evergreen Cookbook

default image

cool-admin-api 是基于egg.js、typeorm、jwt等封装的api开发脚手架、快速开发api接口

Url To Png screenshot

Selfhosted. URL to PNG utility featuring parallel rendering using Playwright for screenshots and with storage caching via Local, S3, or CouchDB

Dockerizer screenshot

The fastest way to dockerize your apps.

Blog3.0 screenshot

个人博客V3.0 目前使用的技术(Nuxtjs + Nestjs + Vue + Element ui + vuetify),存储(MongoDB + Redis + COS)。Personal blog V3.0, Current technology (Nuxtjs + Nestjs + Vue + Element UI + Vuetify), storage (MongoDB + Redis + COS).

Nest Vue screenshot

Nx monorepo starter: dockerized NestJS backend, Vue frontend, and NGINX; data via Prisma / TypeORM + GraphQL; Jest + Cypress testing; Jenkins CI/CD.