A modern and clean job board template built with Tailwind. Available in Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML versions.
22 beautiful Tailwind CSS templates available for Nextjs, React, Vue & HTML. An amazing collection of work at an very competitve price.
unibest - 最好用的 uniapp 开发框架。unibest 是由 uniapp + Vue3 + Ts + Vite4 + UnoCss + UniUI 驱动的跨端快速启动模板,使用 VS Code 开发,具有代码提示、自动格式化、统一配置、代码片段等功能,同时内置了大量平时开发常用的基本组件,开箱即用,让你编写 uniapp 拥有 best 体验。
:bento: Full-Stack solution to quickly build PWA applications with Vue.js and Firebase
Markdown editor for vue3, developed in jsx and typescript, dark theme、beautify content by prettier、render articles directly、paste or clip the picture and upload it...
Tailwind CSS UI library, featuring over 600 top-tier Tailwind CSS UI components and blocks. Each one is handcrafted for modern websites, landing pages, web applications, dashboards, ecommerce platforms, and more.
🌱 A ready-to-use mobile project base template built with the Vue3, Vant, and Vite. | 基于 Vue3、Vite5、TypeScript/JavaScript、Tailwindcss、Vant4,开箱即用的移动端项目基础模板
vite + vue3 + ts 开箱即用现代开发模板 | vite + vue3 + ts out-of-the-box modern development template
Deprecated! Framework7 Vue Webpack starter app template with hot-reload & css extraction
🤓 This is a simple SPA built using Koa as the backend, Vue as the first frontend, and React as the second frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and async/await.
A simple multipage and responsive Vue.js & Tailwind CSS portfolio theme with dark mode.
Modern Shopify theme using Shopify Theme Lab, Liquid, Vue and Tailwind CSS 🎨
Mosaic Lite is a free admin dashboard template built on top of Tailwind CSS and fully coded in Vue. Made by
Boot Vue is a lightning fast Vue 3 template with strongly typed TypeScript, UnoCSS, DaisyUI, Vue Router, Pinia, and Netlify support.
Boot Vue is a lightning fast Vue 3 template with strongly typed TypeScript, UnoCSS, DaisyUI, Vue Router, Pinia, and Netlify support.
💚 Quick Start Templates for Vite + Electron + Vue 3 + Vuetify + TypeScript. Vutron is a preconfigured template for developing Electron cross-platform desktop apps. It uses Vue 3 and allows you to build a fast development environment with little effort.
Vant's template and base. With basic pages, examples, and complete configuration, you can use it immediately after fork. If it helps you, give me a star。
🤓 This is a simple SPA built using Koa as the backend, Vue as the first frontend, and React as the second frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and Vuex store modules.
一个基于 Vite2 + Vue3 + Typescript + tsx + Ant Design Vue 的后台管理系统模板,支持响应式布局,在 PC、平板和手机上均可使用
vue admin vue3 vue3admin vueadmin vue3.0-admin elegant-admin element element-plus template.vue3,vite,typescript,vue后台管理,vue3后台管理
💚 A Free Vuejs 3 Minimal Admin Dashboard Develop with Vuejs 3, Vite, and TailwindCss. It's Free and Open Source 💥
An out-of-the-box mobile web template, developed based on Vue3, Varlet, Vite, Typescript.
This is a theme/starter project for design systems built in Astro. You can install and import your own component library and document all your design decisions and components.
Vue3, Vue Router, Pinia, Composition API, TypeScript, Vant4, VueUse, Axios, SocketIO, PostCSS, ESlint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-staged, Mock, Amap, QQ Login, Alipay Sandbox, Eruda, CI/CD, Vercel, Mobile Project.
Awesome porfolio design for developers or designers, with easy configuration. Inspired by a code editor and with a snake game on homepage.
🐬 一个轻量级、开箱即用、快速开发 Vue3 (setup) 全家桶 + i18n 国际化 + Vite 5 + Element-Plus + UnoCSS + Vuex + TypeScript + Unplugin + ESLint(v9) + Vitest + Scss + StyleLint + Husky + lint-staged 中小型 B 端中后台管理系统的现代开发基础模板框架, 持续更新最新技术栈, 更贴近真实项目的脚手架 💪 A template built on Vite5 + Vitest + Vue 3 (附示例截图)