Latest Vue Themes

The latest Vue themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Vue Loading Overlay screenshot

Vue.js component for full screen loading indicator :cyclone:

Vue Loading Spinner screenshot

Just another collection of loading spinners with Vue.js, alot of spinners

Vue Markdown screenshot


Vue Markdown Editor screenshot

A markdown editor built on Vue

Vue Mc screenshot

Models and Collections for Vue

Vue Monoplasty Slide Verify screenshot

vue slide verify online preview

Vue Numeric screenshot

Input field component to display a formatted currency value based on Vue.js

Vue Observe Visibility screenshot

Detect when an element is becoming visible or hidden on the page.

Vue Phone Number Input screenshot

A phone number input made with Vue JS (format & valid phone number)

Vue Picker screenshot

A picker componemt for vue

Vue Popper screenshot

:whale: VueJS popover component based popper.js 🇺🇦

Vue Tagsinput screenshot

A simple tags input with typeahead (autocomplete) built with Vue.js 2.

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